

知识库 面肌痉挛的康复护理



HFS, also known as hemifacial spasm, is characterized by involuntary twitching of one side of the face. The twitching is intermittent and irregular, varying in severity and may worsen due to fatigue, stress, and voluntary movement. The onset of the condition usually begins with the orbicularis oculi muscle and then involves the entire face. It is more common in middle-aged individuals and is often seen in females.

Postoperative psychological care

Patients with HFS who undergo surgery have typically not responded to conservative treatments. Due to the loss of facial muscle movement on the affected side, they are unable to express emotions, leading to social obstacles and significantly impacting their daily lives and work. Additionally, these patients often have a lack of understanding about the disease, leading to low mood and anxiety. It is important to observe changes in their emotions, provide support and reassurance, and explain that the prognosis for this condition is generally good, in order to help them accept treatment and care and cooperate actively with rehabilitation training.

Comprehensive assessment of the patients' needs is necessary, as some may have high expectations for the outcome of the surgery and may be eager to see immediate results. It is crucial to educate patients about following a gradual and orderly approach to rehabilitation exercises, as excessive facial movements can lead to wound breakdown. Through these measures, patients can undergo rehabilitation exercises with a calm mindset.

Rehabilitation care

1. Self-face massage

Starting from the second day after surgery, instruct patients to massage or stretch the muscles on the affected side of the face to promote blood circulation, delay muscle atrophy, and facilitate early recovery of nerve function. Patients should use their fingertips to massage the affected facial muscles in a circular motion in front of a mirror, for 5-15 minutes each time, 2 times a day. The massage should be gentle, moderate, consistent, and steady, without excessive force.

2. Physical therapy

On the third day after surgery, use physical therapy with a power of 250W and a wavelength of 2-25m, preheating for 30 minutes, and vertically irradiating the facial nerve area at a distance of 30-40cm, for 40 minutes each time. The infrared emitted by the TDP lamp can reduce local nerve pain, increase muscle blood flow, glycogen content, reduce muscle protein consumption, boost the body's immunity, and accelerate the recovery of damaged nerves. It is important to adjust the lamp distance and irradiation time strictly according to the treatment requirements to avoid skin burns and ensure the effectiveness of the therapy.

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