

知识库 tct检查结果有几种



TCT (ThinPrep Cytology Test) examination results can be classified into seven types: fungal and viral infections, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), atypical glandular cells (AGC), high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), HPV (Human Papillomavirus) or viral infection, and ASC-H (atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions). Each result indicates a different level of damage in the uterus or vagina, requiring patients to choose appropriate treatment methods based on the examination results.

Fungal and viral infections, including fungal, trichomonas, and herpes virus infections, are considered multiple infectious diseases. The next step for doctors is usually to provide corresponding treatment based on the type of microbial infection to alleviate symptoms.

ASC-US refers to slight changes in cervical cells that are insufficient to be classified as LSIL. In such cases, doctors consider the individual's medical history and usually recommend a follow-up TCT examination within 3-6 months.

LSIL indicates mild squamous intraepithelial lesions that appear as suspected pre-cancerous cells but have been confirmed not to be cancerous. In most cases, these lesions resolve on their own, so there is no need to panic. The recommended next steps by doctors are usually a follow-up TCT examination within 3-6 months or an immediate colposcopy. If you are scheduled for a follow-up examination, it is crucial to adhere to the arranged appointment without delay.

HSIL implies the presence of suspicious pre-cancerous cells, and without further diagnosis and appropriate treatment, there is a higher possibility of developing into cancer. The next step recommended by doctors is an immediate colposcopy.

AGC represents a more severe condition. If your TCT examination yields this result, it is essential to pay close attention. It indicates that there have been abnormalities in the cells within the cervical canal, and there is a high possibility of being a precursor to cancer. Following this result, doctors usually perform an immediate colposcopy and analyze a sample of the cervical canal tissue to confirm the diagnosis.

HPV infection or Human Papillomavirus infection is caused by a viral infection. Currently, there are no effective treatment measures discovered, but the body can naturally clear these viruses. Doctors typically advise regular follow-up examinations. Although this result indicates no major issues, it is important not to take it lightly and remember to schedule and attend follow-up appointments on time.

ASC-H suggests the possibility of pre-cancerous lesions, but the degree of abnormal cells is not sufficient for a definite diagnosis. The recommended next step by doctors is usually an immediate colposcopy to further clarify the diagnosis of your condition.

These are the various types of TCT examination results. We hope that the information provided above is helpful to you.

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